Investing in Solar


下面的例子展示了三种不同大小的住宅的太阳能投资. Factors like energy use, system size and cost, 项目的融资方式会影响你的投资收支平衡所需的时间. 例如,使用太阳能现场发电来匹配几乎100%的家庭能源消耗.


Solar Investments by Home Size

illustration of a small houseThe Jones’ House illustration of a medium sized houseThe Zhang’s House illustration of a large sized houseThe Jackson’s House
Average monthly electric use 500 kWh 1,000 kWh 1,500 kWh
Average monthly bill $68 $122 $188
Solar system size needed 4 kW 6 kW 13 kW
Estimated upfront cost $15,000
($3.75 per watt)
($3.50 per watt)
($3.25 per watt)
Net cost after tax credit $10,500 $14,700 $29,575

Simple Savings Calculation

Estimated breakeven Not expected within 20 years 17 years 17 years
Total 20-year savings -$356 (loss) $2,560 $7,250
Net Present Value calculation (4.53% required rate of return)
Estimated breakeven Not expected within 20 years Not expected within 20 years  Not expected within 20 years
Total 20-year savings -$4,165 (loss) -$3,828 (loss) -$6,622 (loss)
Loan (0% down, 6.6% interest rate, 20 year term)

Simple Savings Calculation

Estimated breakeven Not expected within 20 years Not expected within 20 years Not expected within 20 years
Total 20-year savings -$5,012 (loss) -$3.959 (loss) -$6,145 (loss)
Net Present Value calculation (4.53% required rate of return)
Estimated breakeven Not expected within 20 years Not expected within 20 years  Not expected within 20 years
Total 20-year savings $-5,227 (loss) -$5,316 (loss) -$9,671 (loss)


  • 平均每月账单是基于爱达荷州电力附表01(住宅服务)和附表06(住宅服务现场发电)截至1/1/24. Future changes in rates 会影响预计的净节省和回报吗. This is an example only. 实际成本、系统生产和税收抵免会有所不同.
  • Utility bill increases 1.每年81%根据皇冠现金盘公司的历史数据 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).
  • 盈亏平衡是指现金流净额为正的点. 它并不一定代表贷款完全还清的时间.
  • 在20年的时间框架内评估结果. Not Expected表示盈亏平衡点在20年内不会出现.
  • 简单储蓄和净现值是看待投资长期价值的不同方式. 净现值是分析投资决策盈利能力的一个有用的财务指标. 净现值试图通过结合资金的时间价值并将其与资金的其他用途(如在存单中赚取的利息)进行比较来获取投资的总价值.25%)1, investing in 20-year U.S. Treasury bonds (4.53%)2, or investing in stocks (9.8%)3. 在这些例子中,净现值计算假设投资20年的美国国债.S. Treasury bond with a 4.53% return.  对这些具体选择的分析表明,具有4的投资.53%的回报率比现场太阳能投资更有利可图.

1 截至2024年3月,爱达荷中央信用合作社目前的2年期存款证利率为4.25%, Source:
2 Current 20-year U.S. Treasury bond rate of 4.截至2024年3月21日,占53%,来源:
3 9.8% return as measured by S&2003年至2023年的标普500指数表现,来源: - -股票市场平均回报——105500708.html

Want to explore further? 使用我们的在线太阳能计算器开始您的估算.

Start Your Estimate

如果您正在考虑投资太阳能或太阳能+储能, 使用我们的在线太阳能计算器,根据您的屋顶特点了解节省能源的潜力, energy usage, available tax credits and rebates, and current utility export credit rates. 然后,比较各种选择,做出投资太阳能的明智决定.

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